Yes. We got some MAA-1A last August and September. B version still in testing but contracts may have been signed. India is not very happy and it thinks because of Brazil and India being part of BRIC Brazil should not support Pakistan. However, theremay have been an agreemnt in place according to which Pakistan and Brazil, probably Mectron will share the development costs 50:50. I am not sure if the agreement was for MAR-1 or MAA-1B. Mectron is reported to have added 60 more engineers after the agreement so it is most likely to benefit from this agreement |
Pakistan Air Force - Unknown number of MAA-1A Piranha 1 missiles delivered in June 2010. Letter of Intent signed by Pakistan to procure the MAA-1B Piranha 2
MAA-1B Piranha 2 has Improved range, maneuvrability and infra-red counter-measures (IRCM) systems. 80% of components are Brazilian. Undergoing testing which may be completed by late 2008 or early 2009.
The MAA-1 Piranha 1 is a short-range infrared homing missile and the first air-to-air missile developed by Brazil.
The MAA-1 Piranha is a supersonic, short-range air-to-air missile relying on infrared passive guidance which seeks the target's heat emissions coming primarily from the engine/s. The infrared sensor uses two colors to discriminate infrared countermeasures (IRCM) from the real target and was supplied by South Africa's Kentron (Denel Group). It is highly manoeuvrable and can turn at accelerations of up to 50g. The Piranha performs as a 'fire and forget' missile, that means once launched the missile does not require input data coming the aircraft's sensors to hit its target. A laser fuze is responsible for detonating the high explosive warhead. Externally, it is very similar to Rafael's Python 3 air-to-air missile and the aerodynamic configuration is near the same.
Pic of MAA-1A and MAA-1B

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